Chhath Puja Wishes SMS,Chhath Puja Messages,Chhath Puja SMS Messages,Chhath Puja SMS Wishes,Chhath Puja Messages SMS,Chhath Puja SMS In English.
1. On Th!$ Ausp!c!ou$ Occa$!on, ! W!$h The Color, Bl!$$ &
Be@uty Of Th!$ Fe$t!v@l B W!th U Throughout The Ye@r,,,,,H@ppy Chh@th
2. M@y Th!$ Chh@th, L!ght Up 4 U. The Hope$ Of H@ppy T!me$, & Dre@m$ 4 @ Ye@r
Full Of $miles! W!$h U H@ppy Chh@th,,,,,